Friday, September 20th

08:15 - 08:45 Industry Symposium/ Kosovel Hall

9:00 - 10:00 Parallel Session/ Kosovel Hall

Unravelling the Mysteries of Peripheral Arterial Disease in Diabetes
Chairs: Miodrag Janić (Slovenia), Mariano Palena (Italy)  5x12 min

  • Specifics of PAD and optimal non-invasive diagnostics in patients with diabetes 
    Jovana Nikolajević (Slovenia)
  • Novel antidiabetic therapy beyond glucose control: is there added value in patients with PAD?
    Manfredi Rizzo (Italy)
  • When do endovascular procedures outperform surgery in PAD patients with diabetes? 
    Mariano Palena (Italy)
  • Rescuing the un-rescuable: the finesse of vascular surgery in PAD patients with diabetes 
    Mladen Gasparini (Slovenia) 
  • Diabetic foot: multidisciplinary treatment
    Claudia Riera Hernandez (Spain)
09:00 - 10:00 Parallel Session/ E1,2 Hall
MLAVS Symposium 1 
Methods of Preventing Cardiovascular and Other Complications in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease 
Chairs: Nicos Angelides (Cyprus), Salvatore Novo (Italy)   5x12 min
  • Intermittent Claudication: an overview
    Nicos Angelides (Cyprus)
  • Management of dyslipidemia in patients with PAD
    Kosmas Paraskevas (Greece)
  • General principles of prevention of cardiovascular events in patients with PAD
    Salvatore Novo (Italy)
  • Do patients with PAD need a different target level of blood pressure than those with other cardiovascular diseases? 
    Pavel Poredoš (Slovenia)
  • Antithrombotic treatment of PAD - is aspirin still a basic antiplatelet option?
    Arkadiusz Jawien (Poland)
10:00 - 10:30 State of the Art Lecture/ Kosovel Hall
Chair: Urška Bregar Boltin (Slovenia)
Arterial Ultrasound Testing to Predict Future Cardiovascular Events
Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break and Poster Viewing
11:00 -12:00 Parallel Session/ Kosovel Hall

Management of Carotid Atherosclerosis
Chairs: Kosmas Paraskevas (Greece), Arkadiusz Jawien (Poland)  4x15 min

  • Treatment of dyslipidemia in patients with carotid atherosclerosis
    Dimitri Philippe Mikhailidis (United Kingdom) - Online
  • Vulnerable carotid plaque - how to identify it using ultrasound
    Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus) 
  • Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis: revascularization or best medical therapy? 
    Kosmas Paraskevas (Greece) 
  • How to treat symptomatic carotid stenosis? 
    Tadeja Kolar (Slovenia)
11:00 - 12:00 Parallel Session/ E1,2 Hall

Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Chairs: Matija Kozak (Slovenia), Marzia Lugli (Italy)  4x15 min

  • Surgery for chronic venous leg ulcers
    Andrej Šikovec (Slovenia)
  • Mixed leg ulcers
    Agata Stanek (Poland) - Online
  • Recanalization of chronic venous occlusions
    Marzia Lugli (Italy)
  • Tubulcus device compression therapy vs. vacuum- assisted closure therapy in venous leg ulcer healing – a comparative analysis
    Matei Sergiu-Ciprian (Romania)

12:00 - 12:40 Plenary Lecture/ Kosovel Hall

Chair: Tjaša Vižintin Cuderman (Slovenia)
Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnancy
Matija Kozak (Slovenia)

12:40 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:00 Parallel Session/ Kosovel Hall

New Trends in Management of  Peripheral Arterial Disease
Chairs: Aleš Blinc (Slovenia), Mislav Vrsalović (Croatia)  4x15 min

  • The role of biomarkers in PAD 
    Mislav Vrsalović (Croatia)
  • Subtherapeutic low-dose combination of statins and sartans for the treatment of impaired arterial wall function
    Mišo Šabovič (Slovenia)
  • Endocrine disorders and PAD
    Gerit-Holger  Schernthaner (Austria) - Online
  • Gene therapy for PAD
    Aleš Blinc (Slovenia)
14:00 - 15:00 Parallel Session/ E1,2 Hall

New Trends in Management of Venous Thromboembolism
Chairs: Mirjam Gubenšek (Slovenia), Zsolt Pecsvarady (Hungary)  4x15 min

  • Importance of early peripheral vascular US scanning for the treatment strategy of pulmonary embolism
    Zsolt Pecsvarady (Hungary)
  • Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
    Polona Mlakar (Slovenia) 
  • New perspectives on prevention of post-thrombotic syndrome
    Paolo Prandoni (Italy) - Online
  • Highlights and controversies in the 2024 international guidelines on VTE 
    Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
15:00 - 16:30 Plenary Session/ Kosovel Hall

Challenges in Management of Patients with Chronic Limb-threatening Ischemia
Chairs: Vinko Boc (Slovenia), Oliver Schlager (Austria)  6x15 min

  • Which clinical staging system is most useful in patients with CLTI? 
    Adriana Visona (Italy)
  • Cardiovascular risk of patients with CLTI 
    Mariella Catalano (Italy) - Online
  • Frailty assessment in patients with CLTI
    Liew Aaron (Ireland)
  • Revascularization of CLTI – endo or surgical? 
    Oliver Schlager (Austria)
  • BAD and SAD-MAC: a new scenario and new strategies for patients with CLTI 
    Andrea Casini (Italy)
  • Care of a patient with CLTI undergoing vascular interventions
    Rok Luciano Perme (Slovenia)
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee Break and Poster Viewing
17:00 - 18:00 Parallel Session/ Kosovel Hall
ESVM Symposium
Navigating PAD: 2024 Guidelines
Chairs: Lucia Mazzolai (Italy), Vinko Boc (Slovenia)   4x15 min
  • PAD: Understanding epidemiology and diagnosis
    Oliver Schlager (Austria)
  • Optimizing medical treatments for PAD
    Lucia Mazzolai (Switzerland)
  • Optimizing interventional treatment of PAD 
    Vinko Boc (Slovenia)
  • Optimizing treatment of carotid disease 
    Juraj Madarič (Slovakia)
17:00 - 18:00 Parallel Session/ E1,2 Hall

Joint Symposium CEVF-SIMV
Superficial Venous Thrombosis
Chairs: Pier Luigi Antignani (Italy), Mateja Kaja Ježovnik (USA)   4x15 min

  • From varicose veins to venous thromboembolic disease
    Mateja Kaja Ježovnik (USA)
  • Superficial venous thrombosis in atypical locations
    Ana Spirkoska Mangaroska (Slovenia)
  • Superficial venous thrombosis of a healthy vein
    Luca Costanzo (Italy) - Online
  • How to treat superficial venous thrombosis of varicose veins?
    Marco Mangiafico (Italy) - Online
18:00 - 18:30 State of the Art/ Kosovel Hall
Chair: Adriana Visona (Italy)
The Crucial Role of Exercise in Managing Peripheral Artery Disease
Lucia Mazzolai (Switzerland)
20:00 Dinner